How To Use QniGram Bot – Auto Follow/Unfollow – Auto Post And Message on Instagram


QniGram Software support users automatically perform most functions of Instagram such as auto post on Instagram, auto change name/ avatar, auto update bio/ photo, ect. This help users save time in managing a large number of Instagram accounts.


  • Check login
  • Change avatar
  • Change name
  • Update bio
  • Update Website
  • Upload photo
  • Upload photo with watermark
  • Scrape users
  • Auto Follow Users
  • Auto search and Follow Users
  • Increase follow
  • Unfollow Users
  • Like user’s photo
  • Like post
  • Watch video
  • Auto comment
  • Increase comment
  • Auto Message
  • Multi-threads
  • Support using Dcom or Proxies to change IP easily


When you buy QniGram software, we will provide you with 3 links, consisting of software link, desktop useragent file and mobile useragent file. Download all these files and unzip the Qnigram.rar then run the .exe file to open the software.

Use the provided license username and password to fill in Login and Password.

Click OK to login.

Nhập tên đăng nhập của phần mềm Instagram - Qnigram

You choose one of two ways:

  • Run now: Run the software instantly
  • Schedule: Schedule the application to run at specific time
Giao diện của phần mềm Instagram - QniGram

Learn more: How to use Schedule Tool.


The following screenshot will show you all parameters of QniGram software:

Giao diện của phần mềm Instagram - QniGram

C1. Action

Select a function that you want to run.

QniGram Software

C2. Run

This is the number of times that you want the software to run. You can leave it as the default.

C3. Threads

The number of threads is the number of tabs, accounts, or windows that run at the same time.

Each thread will open a separate browser which has different fingering and IP.  Provide number of threads that complies with your computer configuration.


C4. Proxy Source

To avoid being locked out of your Instagram accounts, you should use proxies.

  • If you choose From File, create a text file in which you will put the proxies one per line (for the LinesFromFile section), or paste the proxy address link (for LinesFromUrl section). Proxy format is IP:Port:Username:Password. Leave username and password empty if your proxy doesn’t have username and password ( Some proxies work with IP authentication instead of using username and password).

Chọn Proxy từ file - Phần mềm Instagram

  • If you choose From Data, click Data in the lower left corner of the software. The account management panel will display (Refer to the C8. Data section to know how to import the Proxy into the software).

Chọn Proxy từ Data -Phần mềm Instagram

  • If you don’t have Proxy, choose No Proxy to run the software. Running too many Instagram accounts on the same IP can lead to your accounts locked.

C5. Useragent (Mobi & Desktop)

Click on  => select the useragent files that were downloaded as mentioned in Section B.

Trình duyệt ảo phần mềm Qnigam

C6. OTP Service; OTP API Key and OTP Country; Phone Code Area

When you log into Instagram accounts with different IPs and virtual devices, some accounts are asked for phone verification. Autobotsoft integrated some OTP Services so that the software can auto rent phone and get verifcation code automatically. You only need to register an account at one of these OTP providers.

OTP API Key: When you register an account at an OTP website, you will have an API key. Get that API key and put into this field. QniGram bot will auto rent phone numbers and get verification codes.

OTP Country & Phone Code Area: This field is only applied to Select the Country that you want to rent phone number and put phone code area of that country into this field.

C7. Folder Cookies & Folder Data

Folder Cookies is a place where the software will store cookies and profiles of the accounts. Software will use cookies and profiles for the next runs without logging back into accounts. Create a new Cookies folder on any hardware disk that you want to save cookies and profile and get the path to put into the setting as shown:

Copy link đường dẫn của Folder Cookies dán vào trong phần mềm

Do the same with Folder Data.

C8. Data

Click Data in the left corner of the screen to import Instagram accounts. The software will display the  Database Management dialog box as shown.

Mục chứa các tài khoản Instagram

If Instagram accounts are created by InstagramCreator software of, they will be linked to QniGram software and will be saved in the “Not in group” folder.

Bảng quản lý tài khoản của phần mềm Instagram

You can move accounts to other groups, by:

Step 1: Create a group to manage your account, click  in the left corner of the Database Management dialog box ==> Add Group ==> Set the group name.

Tạo nhóm để quản lý tài khoản Instagram

Step 2: select the accounts to move==> click  ==> Move selected to group ==> Select the group to move ==> OK.

Chuyển các tài khoản Instagram sang các nhóm khác - Phần mềm Instagram

Chọn nhóm cần chuyển các tài khoản


If you use Instagram accounts from other sources. Please take steps as shown in this link HOW TO IMPORT DATA – IMPORT DATA INTO SOFTWARE (

Step 3: Turn off the account management panel

After entering the accounts, the accounts will be shown as picture below. Turn off the account management panel to return to the software.

Tắt bảng quản lý tài khoản

Step 4: Select the account group to run

In the Data section, select the group of Instagram accounts to run.

Note: You can select multiple groups to run at the same time.

Chọn nhóm tài khoản Instagram cần chạy

C9. Sleep

Sleep is time to wait between two actions.

Note: Unit is millisecond (30000 = 30 seconds)

Thời gian nghỉ giữa các luồng chạy - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

C10. 2Captcha Key

As mentioned in the OTP Service section, when you log in, the Instagram app will ask for a captcha verification in some cases. Therefore, you need to create an account at, then copy and paste the code in the 2captcha key section. the software will automatically decode the captcha when you log in.

C11. Auto Reverify Phone

This function will automatically verify the phone number when you log in.

If you choose “Yes“, the software will get phone number and verification code from OTP website to verify Instagram accounts automatically. Conversely, if you choose “No“, when the account needs to be verified, the software will automatically ignore that account.

Tự động xác minh số điện thoại - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram



D1. Check Login

This function is used to check Instagram accounts before performing auto post on Instagram.

In the Action section, select Check Login -> Data (refer to Section 8, Part I) -> select the groups of accounts need to be checked ==> click “OK” to run.

After running, go to the account management panel -> See the “Status” section to know the status of each account.

Chạy chức năng check login - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

D2. Update Avatar

Update Avatar is used to update avatars for Instagram accounts.
In the Action section, select Update Avatar.

In the Image Folder section, click on  ==> select the folder containing the images that will be used for avatars ==> Click “OK” to run.

Cập nhật Avatar - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

D3. Change Name

You will perform this function in case you want to change the name of Instagram accounts.

In the Action section, select Change name. Click sửa-1.png (22×30) in the First Name and Last name section to define the name that you want to change. You can use Spintax format or you can select predefined Tips as shown in the following screenshot:

Thay đổi tên cho các tài khoản Instagram

D4. Update Bio

This is a profile update function for Instagram accounts.
In the Action section, select Update Bio. Next, you create a text file to save the Bio you want to change. Software will use random line from this text file as BIO.

In the Message/Comment/Bio/Website section, click  on the bio file you just created ==> click Ok to run.

Cập nhật Bio - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

D5. Update Website

You choose this function to update the website for Instagram accounts,
You can leave the link to Youtube channel, Facebook, Tiktok, etc. as you want.

In the Action section, select Update Website.

In the Message/Comment/Bio/Website File section, click  ==> select the file containing the website links that you want to update to your Instagram accounts ==> Click OK to run.

Chức năng cập nhật website cho các tài khoản Instagram - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

D6. Upload Photo

Upload Photo is an automatic photo posting function on Instagram.
Similar to the Update Avatar function, you also need to create a folder to store the images. When running the Upload Photo function, the software will upload random images to Instagram from this image folder.

In the Action section, select Upload Photo. Next, select the Image Folder item ==> click , select  Image Folder ==> click “OK” to run.

Chức năng Upload Photo - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

D7. Upload Photo Watermark

Upload Photo Watermark is a function for posting images with watermark.
First, In the Action section, select Upload Photo Watermark, create a folder to save the images that you want to upload.

Thư mục lưu hình ảnh - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

Next, you create a text file to save the path + name the image. For example: As picture above, the text file content has the form: D:\TRAM\Software\qnigram\Data\avatar\1.jpg

The file looks like the image below and each line will be an image.

File để lưu tên hình ảnh - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

In Image List section, click  ==> select file to save picture that you have just created.

Chọn file lưu tên hình ảnh - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

In Watermark Option section, you have two ways to watermark the images.

  • Username: the watermark on the photo will be the username of that account.
  • Custom: Define the custom watermark text by clicking sửa-1.png (22×30)  and type the content, you can use Spintax format or predefined Tips ==> press @Test  to preview==> Click Ok to run (as picture below).

Đăng hình có chữ ký ảnh - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

D8. Scrape Users

Scrape Users is a function to scrape users who are following other accounts.  In the Action section, select Scrape User. In List To Scrape ==> click   ==> select the file that store usernames of the accounts that you want to scrape followers ==> Click OK to run.

Chức năng quét người dùng - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

The results will be saved in the Data folder with the name Scraped (you created according to the instructions created in section 7 part I).

Kết quả chạy được của phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

D9. Follow Users

Your Instagram accounts will follow many other users according to the available list. To get this list of users, you run the Scrape Users function (refer to section 8 part D), or you can create another file to store the usernames that you want to follow.

In the Action section, select the Follow Users function. In the List to Follow section ==> select the file containing the users ==> Click OK to run.

Chức năng Follow Users

Set up how many people follow each account and how many people follow each day (refer to section 20, part D).

D10. Search & Follow

This function is used to find and follow users. In the Action section, select Search & Follow:

  • Click OK to automatically search and follow accounts by default of the software.
    In the Search Term section, click sửa-1.png (22×30) ==> click @Test, you will see the pre-set usernames.

Chức năng Search & Follow - Phần mềm Instagram

If you want the software to search and follow specified users, in the Search Term section, click  sửa-1.png (22×30)  ==> Enter the usernames as shown below ==> click @Test ==> click OK to run.

Tìm kiếm và follow người dùng

D11. Mass Follow

Mass Follow is used to increase followers for Instagram accounts.

In the Action section, select Mass Follow. In the List to Follow section, click  ==> select the file containing usernames that you want to increase followers ==> Click OK to run.

Chức năng mass follow - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

D12. Unfollow User

In Action section, select Unfollow User -> Click OK to run.

Chức năng Unfollow User của phần mềm tự động Instagram

You can read section 20, part D to set up accounts that be used to unfollow each day.

D13. Like User’s Photo

The software will auto like user’s new photo by this function.

In Action, choose Like User’s Photo.

In List to Follow, click  ==> select the file containing usernames that you want to like photo ==> click OK to run.

File lưu tên người dùng - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

D14. Search & Like

Similar to the Search & Follow function, the Search & Like function will automatically search and like the first post.

Select Search & Like in Action => click OK to run.

You can use Spintax format or select predefined Tips as shown in the following screenshot.

To see a list of pre-set users, go to Search Term, click sửa-1.png (22×30) ==> click @Test.

Chức năng Search & Follow - Phần mềm Instagram

Tìm kiếm và follow người dùng

D15. Mass Like

Select Mass Like in the Action section.

In the List of Post section, click  ==> select the file containing link of posts that you want to comment on ==> click OK to run.

Chức năng mass like - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

D16. Watch Video

To increase views of videos on Instagram, you run this function.

In Action, select Watch Video.

At List of Post ==> click  ==> select the file containing video links on Instagram that you want to increase views.

Chức năng tăng lượt xem video - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

You set up the time to watch video in the Sleep section.

Note: unit is millisecond (Ex: 20000 = 20 seconds).

Thời gian nghỉ giữa các luồng chạy - Phần mềm Qnigram - Phần mềm Instagram

Click OK to run.

D17. Comment User’s Photo

At Action section, select Comment User’s Photo.

In List to Follow, click  ==> select the text file containing users’ name that you want to comment on their photos.

File lưu tên người dùng - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

In Message/Comment/Bio/Web File, click  ==> select the text file containing content that you want to comment ==> Click OK to run.

Soạn nội dung mà bạn muốn bình luận để đưa vào mục này

D18. Mass Comment 

Mass Comment is used to increase comments of the post. At Action, select Mass Comment.

Note: Files are created in .txt format.

In Message/Comment/Bio/Web File, click  ==> select the text file containing content of comments.

At List of Post, select ==> select the file containing links of post that you want to comment==> Click OK to run.

Chức năng bình luận bài viết của người dùng - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

D19. Message User

This function is used to message to the users whose accounts followed.

In Action, select Message User.

In the Message/Comment/Bio/Web File section, click  ==> select the text file containing the content you want to message.

Note: each line in the text file is a message, the software will randomly message.

Nội dung nhắn tin cho các người dùng - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

To set up how many messages per day, see Section 20, Part D.

D20. Follow/Unfollow/Message PerRun and Follow/Unfollow/Message PerDay

Follow/Unfollow/Message PerRun/ PerDay is the number of followers/ unfollowers/ messages of each account per run/ per day.

Ex: Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Run is 5-7 and Follow/Unfollow/Message Per Day is 5-70. That means each account will follow/unfollow/message to 5-7 people each time, then switch to another account, and then run this account again until when enough the number of follow/unfollow/message per day is 50-70.

Thiết lập số người follow/unfollow/message - Phần mềm tự động Instagram

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