Do you usually watch Youtube videos? How often do you click to subscribe or like videos? How to monetize youtube videos? And how many means of making money on Youtube? If you want to know more, come here and read this article.
What Is Youtube?
Nowadays, Youtube is one of the most popular social media networks. It is an online video-sharing network. You can upload, download and view others’ videos through mobile phones, computers, TVs, and tablets connected to the Internet.
However, Youtube is not only a place for relaxing, watching videos, and listening to music but it also gives money to YouTubers.
How to monetize youtube videos? Making Money With YouTube Views and Google Adsense
Do you know how to earn money or how to start on the path of becoming a Youtuber? Come to this part, I will show you step by step.
Create a Youtube Channel

It is very simple, you just need a Google account, using that account to log in to Youtube and create a channel.
Connect all your social network accounts to your Youtube channel
Add links to Facebook, Instagram, or blog, making money site on your videos’ description. This will help your account become more popular with your followers.
Choose a niche and upload your videos
Who do you want to attract? Children, teenagers, or adults? And will you create videos with topics concerning economics, education, beauty, or fashion?
You must think carefully about the above questions so that you can create quality and attractive videos with consistent content. Besides, You must set a schedule to produce and upload videos at a regular time.
You can consider our tool: Youtube Uploader. It helps you save your time by managing and uploading videos auto in bulk.
How to monetize youtube videos?

If you want to turn on this function, you must get at least 1.000 subscribers and 4.000 viewing hours in a year. Besides, you must have an Adsense account which will appear in the process of turning on earning money, to receive payment from Youtube.
So, firstly you need to concentrate on how to create videos that make users impressed and interested. And after completing the above conditions, turn on the monetization function right away.
Besides, if you need to achieve 4000 viewing hours quickly and ensure compliance with the regulations of Youtube. You can use the QnitubeAction software so that we can help your Youtube channel grow faster and more securely.
Register Google AdSense Account
After turning on the making money function, click “Monetization”. And you will come to a page where you can start registering for Google AdSense following the guideline of Youtube.
Always check Youtube analytics
While developing your channel, remember checking usually Analytics so that you can know whether your videos are attractive or not and then improve them to get better.

By the way, in this article, I will show you some methods to gain money on this network, follow the below section.
Popular Methods To Make Money On YouTube
There are lots of ways to make money with youtube but here I will mention some basic ways that are used by many people.
Affiliate marketing with Youtube
I think the indispensable and simple way to make money on youtube is affiliate marketing.
You make videos containing content such as reviewing or promoting products that you get from Advertisers or Affiliate networks. Then put the affiliate links that they provided in the video description.
For every customer who clicks on the link or makes an order, you will receive a commission depending on the agreement between you and the Advertisers.
Google Adsense with Youtube
When you upload a video with advertisements (ads), if the viewers click on ads, they will be directed to your website.
At the same time, Google Adsense is attached to your website, when the user clicks on the ads, you will receive money
Promote your own brands
Besides hiring ads or reviews for your product, you can advertise by yourself on your social networks. Especially on the Youtube channel.
You will build your Youtube channel as a place to share information about your life which will give everyone positive thinking. Until you have a sufficient number of followers, youtube will be an effective marketing tool. It helps your company’s image, products as well as advertising programs be known by many people.
Youtube Partner Program
This is the most widely used form of making money on Youtube. And it is quite the same as the Google Adsense program. Today, it is very simple to register for the Youtube Partner program on Youtube. When you upload a video, if someone watches or clicks on the ads on your clip, you will receive money from youtube.
Thank you for following this article, we hope it will be useful for you.
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